I am looking forward to a few days on the beach this summer and of course need a good book. One I have wanted to read and have just added to our library is Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. I have concerns when I see so many children spending so much time in front of screens instead of outside playing- the way I remember playing as a child. In fact, one of the quotes in the front of the book is from a 4th grader in San Diego, "I like to play indoors better 'cause that's where all the outlets are." What are your thoughts on children and computers and tvs? I know that we set limits in the classrooms but so many children spend so much home time in front of screens. Is there anything we can do to encourage children and families to spend time together outside? I'll let you know more about this book when I have read it. Let me know if you would like to read it too.
I see kids who only ever experience outdoors at our center playground. At that moms complain when they are out in cold weather. When you ask them what they do on the weekend, nothing involves being outside in the fresh air. IT is usually the mall, movies, video games or the gym with mom. I never really thought about the effect that this has on kids. I will have to check out this book!
Perhaps you could include an article about the benefits of outdoor play in your center newsletter or post an article on your parent board. You can share the standards set forth in "Caring For Our Children" related to playing outdoors and weather limitations. This standard states that children should "play outdoors daily when weather and air quality conditions do not pose a significant health risk." They say that children should be out as long as the wind chill is above 15 degrees F or below a heat index of 90 degrees F. Pennsylvania has adopted standards that raise the lower temperature to 25 degrees F. These are standards that are scored during an Environmental Rating Scale visit (ERS). Children truly are healthier when they get outside in the fresh air each day.
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