Did you know that musical experiences help to prepare your child for math? They do! Music seems to be a perfect jump-start because of the way our brains are organized. Watching your child you will probably soon agree with neuroscientists and psychologists who believe this intellectual response to music is inborn. Babies and children love to bounce, dance, move and sing to music. What does this mean for parents who want the best for their children? Be sure to provide your child with lots of musical experiences where they can explore music on their own. It is important that we remember that these experiences need to be fun and appropriate for the age of our child and should not be overly formal or regimented. It is also not necessary to purchase special tapes or videos. Allow your child to experience all types of music, beginning with the style you enjoy. Talk about similarities and differences in the music that you listen to. This helps children to learn to sort and classify. Let your child see you enjoying music on the radio, on cds and at live performances. Experiences providing a steady beat are an important way for children to make connections between their brain and their bodies. Songs are a great way to build memorization skills. Including movements in a sequence such as in the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”, adds further to the child’s skill set as they are actually arranging patterns, another pre-math skill! So go ahead, clap with the music, stomp your feet, dance. Keep beat with the music and encourage your child to join you! Now you know that in addition to the fun, your child is truly growing an important set of skills.
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